A Few Good Twilight Websites

I’m really particular about the way my bookmarks on my laptop are organized. I have a folder for school stuff, a folder for the websites I check daily, one saved for all the books I haven’t read yet but want to, and yes, one for all my Twilight stuff.  All the websites I check nearly every day to find out what’s happening in the Twilight universe are there. There are also a bunch of pictures from the movie, or from photo shoots that I love so much that I saved. I haven’t done a lot of looking for new Twilight fan sites, so if any of you know of any I haven’t listed that you absolutely LOVE, let me know!  

http://letterstotwilight.wordpress.com/– This is an awesome blog that’s updated daily with hilarious letters written to Twilight, or anything having to do with it. There are letters to Kristen Stewart telling her she needs to smile more (because she has A LOT to smile about, hanging out with Rob all day being number one on that list!), a feature called “2nd-hand embarrassment” that leaves me rolling on the floor with laughter every time, and Twilosohy sessions that will make you think about aspects of the book. This is one of my favorite websites that I freak out if I can’t check it daily.

http://letterstorob.wordpress.com/ This site is from the same two hilarious ladies that run Letters to Twilight, but I think this site is even funnier (if that’s possible!). The letters are addressed to Robert Pattinson this time, and occasionally they will post commenters fan letters, which are an extra hysterical addition. The comments are not to be missed, since this a place to discuss anything and everything Rob further. I always check this site first thing in the morning and prepare to laugh my ass off.

http://twilightlexicon.com/ Any major fan of the series knows that Stephanie Meyer thanked the people behind this fan site in her books by name. I come here when I want to know exactly what’s going on in the fandom. They have the most details, and do an excellent job with keeping up with all the rumors and cast interviews that seem to come out daily. The definitive place to go for updates.

http://www.twilightguy.com/ Kaleb Nation does an amazing job on this site, which he started when he decided to read the Twilight series to see for himself what girls were reacting to so strongly. I love his takes on the events of the books, which he goes into by each chapter. The graphics he makes to go along with his posts are amusing and add a little sense of humor even when he is discussing a tense chapter. He also has awesome contests where he gives away Twilight merch. Currently, there is a contest going to win the autograph of Robert Pattinson or Taylor Lautner (*squees*)! I selfishly wish he could update more, but he has got to be one of the busiest people on Earth, so I forgive him. It just makes those new updates that much sweeter.

http://twilight20somethings.com/ I come here for updates, when I want a different take on something I’ve read elsewhere. They have a bunch of cute interviews with the cast, and they post updates about new Hot Topic merch. I’ve spent plenty of time not studying while reading their forums, and their image gallery is awesome.

http://twilightersanonymous.com/ I stumbled on this site by accident one day, and immediately loved it. You could explore this site for hours (I have) and still not have seen everything. They have their own cafe press store where they have their own shirts, and an entertaining list titled, “You know you’re a Twilighter when…” filled with confessions and admissions of the weird things we all do as Twilight fans. One of the best Twilight sites out there.

http://www.edwardandbella.net/ This site has an AMAZING image gallery. I come here to see the newest outtakes and find any Twilight related picture I’m looking for. Their layout is beautiful, and there is no better place to find fan made icons and layouts.

http://www.twifans.com/ Like myspace for the Twilight fandom, this site is pretty fun. There are tons of groups you can join (I’m a proud member of the  Bite Me Edward and Texas Twilighters group), and you can chat with other fans. A fun place to hang out and read Twilight blog posts. (BTW, I’m registered there as Jonette Cullen, and I need some twifans friends)

Those are a few of the websites I would crazy if I couldn’t check. Of course, I’m always open to new things Twilight related, so if you have any I didn’t include, be sure to let me know!
