Twilight Central, AKA Our Apartment

I just went around the apartment (and out to the parking lot) to take pictures of all our Twilight merch, and I will just say that I’m going to have to do something special for Jeremy when he gets home, like spend all day making his favorite meal or something because I just realized exactly how tolerant he is of me and this Twilight obsession I have going on. As you will see with this post, he is really, REALLY indulgent of me.

Also, please no emails or comments signifying your concern for me after seeing all the stuff I’ve been hoarding. I know, ok? I know I’m a total weirdo. I need Twilight rehab, but if there even was such a thing, I wouldn’t go. If loving Twilight so much is wrong, I don’t want to be right! (Sorry if some of these are blurry, I have a crap camera). CIMG2133 This is one of the three Twilight posters in our living room. The things hanging down from the ends are the Twilight dog tag necklaces from Wal Mart that I practically went through hell and back to try to get. Jessie and I are planning on wearing these to the midnight showing of New Moon in November. Jeremy doesn’t think so now, but he will be wearing one too.

Poster number 2 in the living room

Poster number 2 in the living room

CIMG2021 This is the third poster we have, incidentally the first one we bought. It’s sharing the wall with one of Jeremy’s Beatles posters. See? We can live together in *singing* haarmonnyyyy! Funny story, my mom came over not too long ago and scoffed, “What are all these Beatles posters doing in here?” like our entire apartment should be just Twilight. Heaven forbid I actually allow Jeremy to display his things in our apartment. Oh, my mom. She’s so silly.

Next, we move into our closet sized kitchen. Twilight even managed to find it’s way in here too. CIMG2140 I was at another Wal Mart in our area (not the one in our town, nothing Twilight related in that hell hole) and saw these in the dollar aisle. Of course I had to get all three. They’re collectibles! I haven’t even opened them to try the candy inside. I’m curious to see if the hearts are actually sparkly.

Then there is the refrigerator. As soon as I saw the magnet set at Hot Topic, I had to have it. I still think that was a cute idea, although they need to work on the quality. I nearly tore that Twilight text logo to pieces trying to remove it from the packaging. CIMG2141 Hey, wait? What is Edward looking at with such smoldering, sexy intensity? Who is that hot beautiful beotch that Edward can’t take his eyes off of? CIMG2143 Oh, yeah. That’s me! (and that’s one of my senior portraits. I don’t usually pose for pictures like that, in case you were wondering) I think you’re pretty hot too, Edward. In fact…I-

Sorry, I got carried away. In a way, having Edward on my fridge is a good thing. I go in to superfluously snack and Edward is there to distract me. Edward Cullen is my diet plan!

Ok, moving on. Lets head down the hall. CIMG2028 We used to just have that Monet print. Classy and cultured, right? Well, it was missing some Twilight, so I took care of that. Now it’s perfect.

On to the bedroom. This is where the magic happens (unneccesary MTV Cribs refrence!) Jeremy was even so gracious to even allow Twilight to permeate here too. Super sweet (and smart) of him. CIMG2148 This is my favorite Twilight item in the house. It’s the giant 5 ft (that’s 10 inches taller than me!) Edward Cullen poster. This is only available at certain Blockbuster stores, and luckily I found it at our local store on first try. I absolutely adore it. Jeremy even helped me hang it up! It fits in with the bedroom since our decorating “theme” in there is black and white. Plus, I was already picturing him in there enough (oh snap!), so I’m glad we made that happen.

This is my bedside table. That GQ cover is gorgeous and I have the interview Rob did behind the cover in that frame too. The funky looking CD is the Twilight movie score soundtrack (thanks Jessie!) and under it is the Twilight:Director’s Notebook (again, thanks Jessie!). The prints on the wall are pencil drawings of New Orleans (my family is Cajun) except for the eye drawing. I drew that in high school art class.

I really need to change my flowers, huh? I’m trying to keep up with that. CIMG2149 Now, lets step outside to head downstairs. On the way to the front door, this is what we see every day. CIMG2168 Those are the party favors I got during the Twilight DVD release party at Hot Topic in March. I promise, a post with videos and pictures from that night is coming soon. I’m having issues uploading the videos to you tube (i.e, I can’t do it), but stay tuned because that post is coming very soon.

Also, ignore the bratty message Jeremy scrawled on our message board before he left. He lashes out any way he can, poor guy.

On to Jeremy’s truck, parked downstairs. This is the full proof of his love for me, that all the world gets to see as we drive around. CIMG2130 That’s right. We represent every where we freakin’ go. Apparently though, Jeremy has caught some flack for these stickers at his job. When the Team Edward one was pretty new, his boss came in to the office and said, “You know what Jeremy? Team Jacob. Team. Jacob.” Jeremy was a little confused until he remembered. It’s a running joke among his coworkers, which I think Jeremy is pretty cool about. Can I just say again that I feel so lucky to have someone who loves me so much?

Then, we have all the little things that migrate around the apartment as I use and move them. These are the things I use frequently. First, because it’s the most important, the very laptop I’m typing on now. It’s a Dell Mini 9, and it’s so tiny I can take it anywhere. I even use this thing in the bathtub (I’m talented that way). I haven’t had this thing very long, but I feel naked without it. It keeps me connected to the Twilight fandom (and my other real life family and friends too, ya know) CIMG2161 The stickers came from Hot Topic and so did the Twilight band-aids. Jessie bought the band-aids and let me have a few for decoration. I owe her a lot (Love you girl!)

Here is my laptop background image, which I think you’ll find as sexy as I do. CIMG2159 In case you can’t read the print at the bottom, it says, “Hey girl, are you thinking of me when you’re with him?” It’s one of the many examples of Rob Porn, which is featured at Letters to Rob and many other places on my blog roll. I don’t remember the exact place where I got this one from, but if you let me know I will credit you.  

These are my keys. They are very loud. I can’t sneak up on anyone with these. The menacing black thing on my key chain is the holder from my mace. Jump back, pervs. I’m armed. CIMG2155 As I was taking that picture, Kitty came over to investigate.

My books and movies are just waiting around to be read/watched again. I have two copies of the movie. One from the Hot Topic party, and the other from Target so I could have that extra disc of goodies. When Jeremy and I finally join the rest of civilization and get an HD TV, we will get another copy of Twilight in Blu Ray. CIMG2164 I’m working on building my book collection up again. It’s smart to have a set for personal use, and another for loaning to friends who haven’t been indoctrinated yet. CIMG2166 Finally, the last thing for this post is someone the regular readers have been introduced to before. In a horrible accident, I ended up with Jessie’s Mini Edward along with mine, and they’ve been making friends until I can get him back to her. CIMG2153

Yeah, they’re besties.

Y’all, this isn’t even all my Twilight shiz. I didn’t even take pictures of all my T shirts or bags or buttons. This post will be continued. Give me a chance to build up my arsenal. I will certainly be adding to my collection in the next few months, especially since I’ve been doing lots of browsing on Etsy and E Bay.

Let us know in the comments, what is your favorite piece of Twilight merch? Anything you’re lusting after hardcore? Are you waiting on something special to hit stores?

My Little Brother On Robward

I’m watching Twilight over at my mom’s house and my little brother is in the room, playing some dumb game on the computer. The dinner date scene is on and he swiveled his chair around to watch. I thought, “Awww! Look at that! He’s learning from Edward!”

But I was wrong. Way wrong.

My little brother Jacob looks over to me before turning back to the computer and says, “That guy has a butt chin.”

My face instantly wrinkled in annoyance, and stuck there while I tried to figure out what to say. I felt like Bella at the end of Twilight when Edward says he’s leaving, a big stuttering mess. “Um, it’s called a CLEFT in his chin, and he’s the most handsome man I’ve ever SEEN, so shut up!” was the best I could come up with.

Without missing a beat or looking up from his game, he said, “I just think it’s really weird you like guys with butt chins, Whitley.”

Isn’t that just something someone named JACOB would say about Edward/Rob? He’s a mouthy kid.

Feeling the Blues

I just finished with all my finals and I’m feeling pretty blah. I’m just hoping that I passed everything and I’m worried about GPA. It doesn’t even make any sense. I want to be a librarian, not a scientist, so I shouldn’t even have to take physical geology. *stamps foot*

Anyway, I’m watching Twilight to cheer myself up. One of my favorite parts, the biology scene, just happened. Oh, Robward. That Jizz In My Pants moment gets me everytime.

Since I know there are a lot if us dealing with finals blues right now, here are some amusing fan vids about Twilight. I like these because I have a short attention span.

I also laugh at the “It’s Robert Pattinson, Bitch” videos too. There are three, and I hope she makes many more because I would watch and love them all!

Enjoy, everyone! More posts to come soon.

Just A Quick Question

Has anyone else been freaking out any time y’all see one of the many commercials running about the Twilight DVD?

No?…It’s just me, then?

…Oh, ok. That’s cool.


Twilight DVD Release Party Tonight!

WOOHOOO! Who else is freaking excited?! Jessie and I are going to the midnight party at her mall tonight as we pick up our reserved copies. I have to wait for Jeremy to get home from work, then we are leaving to get there ASAP. The party officially starts at 10, but I’m thinking we need to get there way earlier because the Hot Topic there is really small, and we WILL be inside the store for all the festivities. I’m trying to clear all these Elvis pictures off my camera so it can be totally clear for the party tonight. 

Who else is going to a party? Or are you hosting one of your own? I hope everyone has fun tonight!

So The Damage Control Begins…

So I guess Summit finally got a hold of Kristen and gave her a good talking to, because a couple of interviews have come in where she pretty much denies she’s ever said anything negative about the fans or Twilight.

First over at (link below), Kristen was asked about her recent comments, and the backlash from Twilight fans over them. She said,

“I love the Twilight fans. I have literally never said anything remotely negative about them.” 

Yeah, yeah. Likely story.

She was explaining how her words were taken out of context, saying,

“You have to stay away from certain key words that can be twisted in a negative connotation. Like the word ‘psychotic’ apparently is really bad.(*laughs*) I feel like it’s a really humble position to take that it’s not normal—you know what I mean?—to find yourself in a situation where there are 5,000 screaming girls. I feel like that’s not normal and it’s not something I should just say, ‘Oh yeah, it’s really cool, I love them,’” she continued. “I feel like everything I said in that Nylon interview, if you actually read the whole thing, was very honest and genuine and talking about something that I am so immersed in and I have absolutely no control over. And I’m just trying to stay honest and true to something that I care about.”

Har har, Kristen. Make jokes. And I will point out again that no one is screaming for you. I’m not saying they aren’t excited to see you, that’s not it. It’s just that the excitement over either one of these guys:

Too much hotness in one picture

Too much hotness in one picture

is so much that the desire to see you is not even comparable. So don’t feel too bad (read : jealous) about all the attention they get because, I mean, you get to kiss both of them!  That should be enough of a balm to your envious soul. (It would be enough for me!) 

And I believe you care about the Twilight series and you want to do it justice. You think of yourself as an artist, so you never would have agreed to the role otherwise. But you just need to understand that a lot of other people really care about it too, and those people are watching you. So don’t insult them. Twilight fans can be pretty rabid when it comes to things they don’t approve of, and you definitely do not want that kind of wrath directed at you. Just do the best you can in the movies, and be grateful that you have (or the potential to have) one of the biggest fan bases in the world now. They are screaming because they are excited, it’s what some people do.

E! News has another interview with her, and she is asked the same questions. She has more compliments for the fans she has insulted publicly in the past.

“I love the fans,” she insists. “I feel like I am one of the fans and any direct interaction I’ve ever had with them has been the most warm and pleasant and enthusiastic. If anything, it’s the biggest driving force that could propel you to do something.”

She addresses the “psychotic” comment again also.

“It’s not normal for me to be in a situation that Twilight puts you in,” she explains. “It’s not personally normal for me to see 5,000 screaming girls. But I’m not criticizing them for being ‘crazy’ about me. I’m sort of going, “Wow, this is just crazy!’ “

She’s right, it’s not normal. Most actors go their entire careers and don’t have the chance to be involved with a cultural phenomenon like Twilight. This is a once in a lifetime chance many people dream of, and I think she needs to get some perspective on this. You have fans, Kristen. Congratulations on that.

She also explains why she wasn’t at the Oscars.

“If I was invited to the Oscars, I would be there in a nanosecond,” she says. “If I got an invitation to the Oscars, I wouldn’t turn it down!”

I kinda suspected she wasn’t asked to come. Her dad was pissed about it and said something he really shouldn’t have. Hopefully he was scolded for this by the people in charge at Summit. No one should ask him anything ever again, though. Really. Who cares what he has to say?

So, basically she is going to be nice now and only complain in private. I’m satisfied with this. I don’t like Twilight because of her, so just as long as she plays her part and keeps her opinion to herself, we’re cool.


Danger In The Woods *Second DELETED SCENE From Twilight!!!!*

 I wish they would have left some of the Edward-in-a-sexy-white-jacket-scenes in the movie. I like this scene becauseit has the line, “I’m not the most dangerous thing out there.” *squeee!*


SUPER SPOILER ALERT!!!! *Extended Scenes From Twilight DVD!!!!!!!!*

So I just wrote that post about my reaction to one deleted scene without doing my research, and now I find out some extended scenes have been leaked. Thanks to the people at, they have all been put together in one video up on youtube in one amazing incredible video.

I put a spoiler tag on here for those of you that want to wait and see these when you get your DVD, which I totally understand. But just to let you know, these are extended, not deleted scenes, so you aren’t seeing something you totally have never seen before, just slightly longer scenes you already have. But you you want to be completely unspoiled for your DVD, don’t watch the vid or read the rest of this post.

Without further ado, the video!

I’m just going to give my commentary for each scene in the order the video goes.

First, in the diner with Bella and her dad. They should have left some of this in, including the explanation of why Charlie eats at the diner all the time. This would explain Bella taking over the cooking at home, which was a big part of the book. I also liked Charlie talking about the Cullens, since some of the lines are straight from the book.

Next, when the bad vamps kill Waylon. This was only extended by a little bit, but I’m glad they left it out. Watching them bite him was a little cheesy to me. And while it was happening, he was moaning like…he was having sex (Try and get that image out of your head now).

Then MORE OF THE MEADOW!!!!!!!!!! Finally! It’s only a few seconds more, but I love it all. They definitely should have left this entire thing in. I watched from 5:18 to 6:37 like 5 times. Rob looks so hot, and they should never have cut any of his lines. Never cut any Edward, because he is the reason so many women paid to see this movie multiple times.

The Edward’s room scene is a good one too. Who else can make the emotion of bafflement look hot besides Rob? (7:10-7:13) I thought the journals thing was pretty cool, because I have kept journals all my life, even when I was in third grade, so imagine what someone 107 years old could write about? 

I am glad they cut the rain stick thing. Chinchilla droppings? WTF? But I love the moment at 8:39 when Edward is like embarrassed by his music choice. It’s so cute.

The last scene before the baseball game they should have left in too. Rob looks hot in it (and just so you know, that will always be a legitimate justification to me for anything) and it he was reading Charlie’s mind.

So all in all, I don’t feel bad for watching these. I’m even more excited for the DVD now by getting a little taste of what’s to come.


OME OME First Revealed DELETED SCENE From Twilight!!!!

It’s two in the morning here y’all. I had been asleep, but I had a feeling I needed to get up and check Letters to Rob. Such a random intuition, but I’m glad I did because OME (Oh My Edward, for those of you not in the know) it’s a deleted scene from Twilight, and it is SEXY! I’m not just saying that because it has Rob/Edward in it, it is really sexual. I’m surprised Stephanie Meyer even allowed it to be filmed. (Maybe she was gone from the set that day?) Either way, I’m eternally grateful to whoever is responsible for this. Melissa Rosenburg, if you wrote this scene you are officially forgiven for the omissions in  Twilight. I take back everything I said about you. You are my new best friend.

OK here is the scene already up on youtube.

I don’t even know where to begin. This is so hot that my eyeballs are scorched. Ok, first the dialogue, so we can have a full understanding of just what is going on here.

Bella: Maybe my number was up when that van almost crushed me. You know? Maybe you’re just messing around with fate.

Edward: (says in the sexiest way possible) Bella, your number was up the first day I met you.

(Then he smiles the hottest smile in the world and playfully pulls Bella down to the ground with him.)

Now, it’s all very PG up until this point. Here is the point where this became high on the hotness scale, right up there with the kissing scene.

Bella: Do you really want a taste?

A taste? A TASTE?! Woah movie Bella!! The Edward in the book would hardly allow such liberties! But you totally went for it and for that, you deserve a medal. You just asked him the thing every woman who read the books wanted you to ask him (or wanted to ask him themselves).

But where book Edward would politely point out they should probably just talk instead, movie Edward replies with:

Edward: Yeaahh.

OME, OME. I am having a hard time breathing at this. If they had shown this in the movie, this is the point where my eyes would have widened, and my skin would have flushed at having to witness such sexiness in front of my mom. I’m so grateful this is on DVD, so I can enjoy it in the privacy of my own home. But the hot parts are not over.

(Bella places her finger IN HIS MOUTH and he bites down, causing her to close her eyes (in ecstasy?!) and moan out loud when he bites harder. She then TAKES THE FINGER OUT OF HIS MOUTH AND PUTS IT IN HER OWN MOUTH WHILE HE WATCHES!!!As she sucks on her finger, he says:…)

Edward: What a fragile little human. (sexy smile)

(BTW, this is what James said to Bella as he was trying to kill her, but who cares? Because when Rob/Edward says it, that is totally erased from my mind.)

Dear. God. I personally think they are crazy for taking this out of the movie. So many more people would have gone back to see this scene alone. I personally would have gone back maybe 9 or 10 times instead of  a measly 6.

As was said many times over in the hilarious comments at Letters to Rob (, now Rob is never going to escape the “Will you bite me?” question. This 46 seconds has revived that with a robust vigor already, and this hasn’t even out a full 24 hours yet!

Access Hollywood will showing more of the deleted scenes as the DVD release date gets closer (I have my invite to Hot Topic for the midnight release party, thank you very much!). I don’t know if anything can top this in the hotness department, but I’m fully prepared to be proven wrong.

Also, rumor is this is one of Kristen’s favorite scenes. Hmmm, I wonder why?


Drew Barrymore to Direct Eclipse?

I have been reading up on my Twilight happenings (Google News keyword Twilight), and I can’t seem to escape this.  Everywhere has Drew Barrymore in the director’s chair for Eclipse.  I love Drew, and she is an excellent director, but I don’t see her as a good pick for Eclipse or any of the movies for that matter.  She is too lovable, and I don’t think she would capture the mood as well.

Why couldn’t we stick with a single director, expand the budget and keep the movies similar through the saga?

I am almost afraid to see New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.  I’m scared they might be too different from the mood and feeling of Twilight.

~ Jeremy