Chapter Discussions: Twilight, Chapter Six – Scary Stories

It’s way past time for another Chapter Discussion over Twilight. This time we are on Chapter Six, where Bella meets Jacob for the first time at La Push beach. These questions are from the Twilight Lexicon forums, created by user Alphie.

1. What was your initial thought about the fact that Charlie told Bella Goat Rock wasn’t a good place for camping? Did you wonder what else Edward might be doing up there?  

The first time I read the book, I thought it was a little weird. I didn’t know what he could be doing in such a bear infested place (but now I know why he brought Emmett!), and I thought that perhaps he had lied about where he was going.

2. How did you feel about Lauren and her open dislike of Bella?

I hated Lauren because I didn’t know what her problem was. Plus, it sucks when people are mean to you for seemingly no reason, or things that aren’t your fault, so I hated her on behalf of Bella.

3. What was your first impression of Jacob Black? Did you like him? Did you get the sense that he was interested in Bella as more than a friend? 

I thought Jacob was nice enough. I knew from listening to other people talk about the books that he was going to be an important character in the series because Bella would have to choose between him and Edward. I really didn’t see how that was possible, how such a thing could actually happen. I was more intrigued by his stories than anything at this point.

4. Why do you suppose Jacob didn’t believe the legends of his people as readily as Bella did?

Jacob didn’t believe because he’s never had reason to. He grew up being told these were just legends, and he’d never had any proof or reason to think differently. Bella certainly did. Jacob’s story was the only thing that fit with what she knew so far about Edward.

5. Given the fact that the stories about the “cold ones” were true, did you fully expect to see werewolves in the future books?

I knew they were already there, but since I’m a little slow to things like this in books, I don’t think I would have actually thought of that until it happened.

I’m re-reading Twilight, and I’m on this chapter right now. I forgot how many little hints and how much foreshadowing there actually is in these first few chapters. Even though I know what’s going to happen, I still get excited when I read them. I’m hoping to get New Moon soon (my copy was loaned out and never returned (*cough* Kaitlin*cough*) so I can go from Twilight to New Moon with no lag time. No waiting in between Twilight saga books = a happy Whitley.


Hello everyone. I’m back at home for now, but I leave again tomorrow. This work project is nearly done, we hope, so I should be around a lot more.

Here are my answers to these questions.

1. What was your initial thought about the fact that Charlie told Bella Goat Rock wasn’t a good place for camping? Did you wonder what else Edward might be doing up there? 

My initial thought was that Edward was going to be hunting. I already knew that Edward was a vampire because Whitley had told me before we even saw the movie.

2. How did you feel about Lauren and her open dislike of Bella?

I thought Lauren was a bitch and was glad she wasn’t in the movie.

3. What was your first impression of Jacob Black? Did you like him? Did you get the sense that he was interested in Bella as more than a friend? 

 I was sort of indifferent to him really. I was more interested in the story he told Bella because it was a dark story and I like those.

4. Why do you suppose Jacob didn’t believe the legends of his people as readily as Bella did?

Bella already knew something was up with that Edward Cullen character , from what she witnessed before. Jacob had no point of reference about Edward, so he had to reason to believe them.

5. Given the fact that the stories about the “cold ones” were true, did you fully expect to see werewolves in the future books?

I already knew that too (because of Whitley), but if I hadn’t been told, I probably would have expected it.

You guys can answer these questions yourselves in the comments, we would love to read your point of view. If you decide to answer them on your own blog, please let us know so we can link you.

Also, don’t forget to vote on our poll here so we can find out if you would enter in a contest to win free Twilight stuff or not. We are keeping the voting open two weeks so everyone who wants to vote for it will hopefully get a chance.

Hopefully I will be back home for good soon. I have more haikus coming soon too.
